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The Light Dawns:Reality Bites (36)


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Dominion Post Letters to the Editor – 4 November 2008

Isn’t this all about trust?

A week from the election and Labour is in trouble in the polls. So party president Mike Williams, with the blessing of chief Labour strategist and senior minister Pete Hodgson, takes some of the party’s research unit to Melbourne to trawl through 11,000 pages of court transcripts of a case tried 25 years ago.

This, with the hope of digging up dirt on National leader John Key. Sadly for Labour, it’s all a fizzer and falls flat.

When confronted, Labour leader Helen Clark tells New Zealand she knew nothing about it. But she did know that Mr Williams paid his own fare. Extraordinary. And, as we are reminded ad nauseam by the prime minister, this election is all about trust. Isn’t it?

Karaka Bay

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