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Lefty media pack in full cry on asset sales


Clearly John Key has sent a number in the media into a frenzywith his stance on partial sell downs of some state owned companies. A polciy followed by governments of all types around the world, except it would seem in NZ where business has been so demonised by the left that it is surprising there is any private enterprise left.

An example of the left wing media bias on this was spotted by Adam in today’s DomPost when the Tv reviewer Jane  Bowron devoted a substantial part of her TV review column to assailing John Key’s policy. She seems to suggest that Kiwis should take to the streets to defeat the ‘unsmiling Prime Minister’ as those in Tunisia have done to defeat their governments.

She peddles the line that Key will sell assets in his second term whatever the electorate thinks. This is a grotesque distortion of the truth. If Key is re-elected having campaigned on this issue, he can legitimately claim a mandate for the sales. So Bowron is fear mongering and distorting the truth outrageously, especially as Key has siad he knows this policy could cost National support and even the election.

Bowron is even more pathetic when she suggests that Kiwi investors should be investing in companies making things suitable for violent protests such as Molotov cocktails etc.

it is bad enough reading Tracy Watkins and Vernon Small, but when TV reviewers start writing even more rubbish than usual and propagating such crap Adam is even more convinced that we no longer have any journalism standards left in NZ.

On the other hand does the response from hacks like Bowron indicate that the left is scared Key will get support from the electorate with this polic

  1. 29/01/2011 16:36

    “Kiwis should take to the streets to defeat the ‘unsmiling Prime Minister’ as those in Tunisia have done to defeat their governments.”
    Now there’s a stylish way to bring this NActional government to the ground!
    What an election year that would be – kinda appealing, don’t you think Adam?


    • adamsmith1922 permalink*
      29/01/2011 17:18

      I love your sense of irony/humour, but enjoy your comment and perspective as always


  2. 29/01/2011 12:50

    Journalistic standards? Nay Adam; they are a romantic notion from years long gone. These days it’s all about the numbers, and sensationalism sells.


    • adamsmith1922 permalink*
      29/01/2011 17:19

      Ah dear, a romantic at my age!
      Well better to dream than not to dream


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