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The Curmudgeon on the blogosphere


In an increasingly dangerous world, it was good to find this amusing piece from Karl du Fresne at the Dominion Post. As Adam read it over his first cup of coffee this morning it lightened his mood and made him smile.

From the opening:-

BREAKING NEWS: Police hold grave fears for the safety of a man reported missing in the Internet blogosphere.

The man told family members he was taking a short afternoon excursion to explore Poneke’s Weblog, a blog by Wellington journalist David McLoughlin. He hasn’t been seen since.

“Poneke’s is a relatively gentle blog that shouldn’t have exposed him to any serious risk,” a police spokesman said. “But there are lots of links leading off it to other blogs, some of which are a good deal more hazardous. He may have strayed off the beaten track.

To the closing:-

“We can only hope that if he finds himself in a hard-left blog after dark he keeps a cool head, waits for daylight and calmly retraces his steps. Frankly we’re reluctant to put searchers at risk by sending them in there.”

The police spokesman said concerns were heightened by the fact that the man was inexperienced and poorly equipped.

“He’s not had much previous exposure to infantile abuse and personal invective of the type that he’s likely to find in the blogosphere. Also, his family advises us he has a history of severe allergic reactions to bad grammar, misspellings and missing apostrophes. We’re encouraging them to keep their hopes up, but it’s not looking good.”

A lovely parody. Reminiscent also of Jasper ffordes’s Thursday Next series of literary adventures.  One of the good things about this item is that it parodies several things.

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