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Labour has ETS numbers, Greens consultation a sham


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Vernon Small in the Dominion Post suggests Labour has the numbers for the ETS. He writes that the Greens are expected to back the scheme despite strong reservations and that NZ First will too. both parties have apparently secured concessions, though at what cost to the economy and everybody else remains to be seen. NZ Herald has a similar story as well.

So much for the Greens pretence of public consultation. The Greens stand exposed for the posers and posturers without any real principles that they really are.

It now looks as if the ETS, a bill with over 100 amendments apparently to be considered, will be rammed through the legislature without proper debate. in fact did Adam not read somewhere that effective consideration by the select committee of changes was only some 16 hours.

This is yet another example of how Labour abuses the legislative process.

Look forward to yet another badly drafted law appearing on the statute books.

This law is one with the capacity to severely inhibit the economy as we are forced to pay for Clark’s ‘legacy’.

By backing this bill both NZ First and the Greens deserve electoral extinction.

The Greens demonstrate that when it matters they are simply Labour’s per chicken to be plucked and thrown aside. A vote for Green is just another vote for Labour, they contribute little and gain no real benefits for anyone. Further, they are not Green they are just another left wing socialist group rolling over after having their payoff in some minor concessions.

NZ First simply pay back Labour for keeping Winston out of trouble.

New Zealand will have the most restrictive ETS in the world. We contribute such a small % of greenhouse gases it makes no difference. Clark says we must be seen to be doing our bit as if we do not people will not buy from us or visit us. That is an argument for rational steps, not for rushing like a lemming over the clifftops.