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Five little letters:Part II


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The most recent print edition of The Listener, for 11 October 2008, has an interesting article by David Fisher on page 25.

These extracts are really quite interesting:-

Adam’s immediate reaction was here we go, another beat up on National regarding Crosby Textor. In fact Adam’s view is that the undue secrecy over Crosby-Textor has been counter productive for National, but we digress.

Now is that not interesting. Adam did not know that before. So let us explore a little further:-

So Labour are taking advice from consultants. Foreign consultants from the home of the Great Satan, the Anti-Christ, the United States of America. Now did one Trevor Mallard not fulminate in the 2005 campaign about National’s links with the USA!

Then what do we read:-

Fisher notes comments by some about Crosby Textor promoting ‘dog whistle’ politics and the comments:-

So Labour goes after National over Crosby Textor, but keeps quiet about Blue State Digital. Interestingly, as Fisher points out in the article Smith sought to target Fisher onto The International Democratic Union which he stated was the Crosby Textor connection and also pointed Fisher at Lord Ashcroft. Smith is quoted as saying:-

‘Get a real story. It’s really big.’

Fisher discusses the IDU noting the fact that it is chaired by John Howard and lauds George Bush the Elder and Maggie Thatcher. Lord Ashcroft is Treasurer.

In other words people of similar persuasion network. Nor do those from the right appear to be too secretive about it.

Now there is absolutely nothing wrong in Labour using Blue State Digital. Nor is there anything wrong in Labour being part of Progressive Governance.

Where Adam is intrigued is why Labour seeks to cast aspersions on National being involved with IDU when it belongs to a similar organisation.

Further, there is no reason why National should not use Crosby Textor nor Labour Blue State, but why should Mike Smith seek to divert attention to the IDU when questioned about Blue State.

Adam does think it just a little bit hypocritical to call National on using CT, whilst using Blue State, especially as Blue State are American, which country Labour often criticises, especially if it can point to a connection with National.

So Labour can co-operate internationally – that is good, but National should not – that is evil!

Labour can take US advice, that is righteousness, but National must not that is supping with the devil!

Labour can use foreign consultants – that is good, but National should not – that is evil!

Labour can decide what to do freely and without criticism, but National must be maligned!

Is that not a double standard?

Well done Mr Fisher for bringing this to our attention.

Now what was that about five little letters:-


who is it using that as their election theme?

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