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Blogosphere explodes


Smoke rises over the NZ blogosphere this afternoon after an explosion ripped through the blogging community. Many bloggers are believed to need medical treatment for the effects of  the massive shockwave following the explosion set -off by the announcement that Michael Cullen was being appointed to the post of deputy chair of NZ Post.

Medical services, restaurants and bars throughout the country have been run off their feet dealing with the veritable tsunami of distressed bloggers. Some bloggers have announced they will not vote National again. Others after medical attention and a dose of lithium think it is in fact a Machiavellian  plot by John Key. Still others needed Bluff oysters and Moet to treat the mental anguish caused by the news. Others are just not sure, they have yet to receive medical help being in Wanganui.At No Minister one can hear the lifeboats being swung overboard. Another blogger seeks to avoid the need for counselling for witnessing the eruption by finding it deeply ironic that Cullen will be Jim Bolger’s deputy. David Farrar is overcome by emotion and is deeply concerned for the lives and wellbeing of bloggers everywhere and for the soul of the National Party, he believes this explosion was engineered in a shabby back room somewhere in Parliament. Safe in her rural fastness  in Otago another blogger a hard-faced churl waits for the phone to ring, hoping against hope that this event is all a ghastly mistake and that she just had a bad dream. Recognizing that the Cullen announcement is all too true another blogger contemplates the poisoned chalice.

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  1. 09/04/2009 14:44

    Reeducation only works if it stops people saying things the government doesn’t like. As far as this goes I don’t think it has worked. There are still those out there trying to keep the government honest. There are those who have read you namesake when he wrote

    “In every great monarchy of Europe the sale of the crown lands would produce a very large sum of money, which, if applied to the payment of the public debts, would deliver from
    mortgage a much greater revenue than any which those lands have ever afforded to the crown…When the crown lands had become private property, they would, in the course of a few years, become well-improved and well-cultivated…the revenue which the crown derives from the duties of customs and excise, would necessarily increase with the revenue and consumption of the people.”


  2. adamsmith1922 permalink*
    08/04/2009 14:23

    Actually in one respect we have all been in re-education class for at least the last 9 years.

    We joke about it, but Clark and Cullen successfully demonised the concept of privatization, such that even sensible people hesitate to use it. The reason being that the public perceive privatization as the work of Satan.

    Further they succeeded also in setting up a culture where success in business is now seen by many as the equivalent of Herod’s Massacre of the Innocents.

    At the same time they tolerated the debasement of standards in public life and the politicisation of the public service.


  3. 08/04/2009 14:02

    Homepaddock: Thanks for the A, but I think you (and Adam) would be in reeducation class with me!


  4. adamsmith1922 permalink*
    08/04/2009 00:02

    I am considering something on the Obama GM situation


  5. 07/04/2009 23:40

    A leading role at NZ Post means a role in Kiwibank. I would be amazed if Cullen’s appointment did not portend something to happen at Kiwibank.



  6. Serum permalink
    07/04/2009 22:40

    The enduring effects of this NZ Post appointment with Michael Cullen about to stamp his pennies worth on the deputy chair, in spite of the explosions ripping through the NZ blogosphere, tends to pale into a lower order effect when contrasted with the US President taking ownership of General Motors – sacking GM’s CEO, packing the new board and giving direction as to which brands to drop and what kind of cars to make – thus elevating Obama to the US czar of the car market. A somewhat different position to the NZ Post’s czar of the stamp market.


  7. 07/04/2009 22:04

    Paul – I give it an A.


  8. 07/04/2009 19:03

    AS: I went to my re-education classes and the essay I had to write is here. I got an e! 🙂


  9. Sally permalink
    07/04/2009 18:08

    I have had my reservations about what National’s principles are, I have no reservations now, they have confirmed for me once and for all – they haven’t a clue what they stand for!


  10. adamsmith1922 permalink*
    07/04/2009 17:56


    You wrote the P word, rinse you hands in carbolic immediately then type 1000 times:-

    I must not make commonsense suggestions when politicians clearly know better.

    Do this again and you will have to go to re-education classes


  11. 07/04/2009 17:48

    Like you Adam, I struggle with the concept of jobs for jobs sake. But at the end of the day, this is not an enormous appointment, and I suspect that the Directors’ fee will pale into insignificance when compared with Cullen’s superannuation!


  12. 07/04/2009 17:45

    This tells me that its time to privatise NZ Post to put a stop to this kind of thing.


  13. adamsmith1922 permalink*
    07/04/2009 17:45

    I will be posting on this later. I like Whaleoil’s theory, but there is a part of me that finds this hand out of jobs abhorrent. It is all far too cosy. Cronyocracy run rampant.

    If Cullen’s appointment means Ken Douglas is off the board then I am not sure that is a good thing as by all accounts Douglas is an excellent director.


  14. 07/04/2009 17:31

    And Adam observes it all but doesn’t tell us what his inquiring mind thinks about it.



  1. Cullenary thrombosis: a clot in the SOE kitchen « Alf Grumble
  2. Behind the curtain « The Dim-Post

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