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Normandy: #06 – D-Day: Attacking the MOST Fortified Beach of Normandy – History Traveler Episode 180


December 09, 2021

This episode was produced in partnership with The Gettysburg Museum of History. See how you can support history education & artifact preservation by visiting their website & store at https://www.gettysburgmuseumofhistory…

Part 6 of the “Normandy 1944” Series What was the most fortified beach of Normandy on D-Day? Many would say Omaha Beach, but that would be incorrect. In this episode, we’re taking a look at the most heavily fortified beach of Normandy that was protecting a city that the Allied wanted to take as much as the Germans wanted to hold. In between the beach and the city would stand the subterranean stronghold of Hillman Battery. Big thanks to Paul Woodadge of @WW2TV for his contributions to this episode. Be sure to watch and subscribe to his channel, which features the most in depth treatments on WWII with some of the world’s leading historians.

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