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Poll shock:Third of UK Muslim students support killing for Islam


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Two rather depressing items from The Times on a poll of educated Muslims in Britain, students at universities, and their views on sharia law and related matters. First article is titled –Third of Muslim students back killings.

An extract follows:-

ALMOST a third of British Muslim students believe killing in the name of Islam can be justified, according to a poll.

The study also found that two in five Muslims at university support the incorporation of Islamic sharia codes into British law.

The YouGov poll for the Centre for Social Cohesion (CSC) will raise concerns about the extent of campus radicalism. “Significant numbers appear to hold beliefs which contravene democratic values,” said Han-nah Stuart, one of the report’s authors. “These results are deeply embarrassing for those who have said there is no extremism in British universities.”

The report was criticised by the country’s largest Muslim student body, Fosis, but Anthony Glees, professor of security and intelligence studies at Buckingham University, said: “The finding that a large number of students think it is okay to kill in the name of religion is alarming.

What is going on, why are these people so radicalised? Where is the tolerance that we are continually told the Islamic faith stands for?

The second article is just as depressing.This one is presented under the title – To beat extremism we must dissolve religious groups. An extract follows:-

According to conventional wisdom, Islam is a religion of peace and compassion. But even if it is not – such is the woolliness of received ideas – only a tiny minority of Muslims in this country hold extreme fundamentalist opinions. Actually, like most conventional wisdom, it is not really true. Muslims themselves disagree violently about what Islam truly is and have done for centuries. Meanwhile, a startlingly large proportion of young British Muslims hold what to most of us are outrageous and unacceptable views – views that they consider to be Muslim truths.

Four out of 10 Muslim students in Britain support the introduction of sharia into UK law for Muslims, according to a YouGov poll. Almost a third of them said that killing in the name of religion was justified; 40% said they felt it was unacceptable for Muslim men and women to associate freely; and nearly a quarter do not think that men and women are equal in the eyes of Allah.

A quarter of Muslim students said they had little or no respect for homosexuals. As for whether British Muslim servicemen should be allowed to opt out of hostilities with Muslim countries, 57% said they should and a further 25% said they were not sure.

More than half of the Muslim students were in favour of an Islamic political party to support their views in parliament. A third don’t think or don’t know whether Islam is compatible with the western notion of democracy, and a third said they were in favour of a worldwide Islamic caliphate based on sharia.

What has happened to Britain? The country seems to be falling apart at the seams. Why has no attempt been made to combat the doctrine of hate preached in the mosques? Where are the so called community leaders?

Adam may be showing his age here, but is it the advance of PC rendering it difficult to say anything without being accused of some sort of -ism?

  1. 28/07/2008 23:57

    I am not surprised. They need to change laws of tolerance for those who have no tolerance, and deport people back to their native lands.



  2. 28/07/2008 02:14

    Civilizations do not collapse under foreign attack.. They commit suicide. We are well into that process, thanks to the complacence and stupid complicity of many in the western world.


  3. 27/07/2008 13:52

    sigh…a typical leftard response from Jafapete. Again.
    “IF” you polled students at American universities? So you’re guessing, then?
    And a war to take out the fundamentalist loons who kill and maim in the name of their paedophile prophet is hardly the same thing as muslims supporting killing in the name of that prophet.
    You’re either seriously confused or deliberately mis-understanding the point, Jafa.


  4. 27/07/2008 13:18

    This will probably come as a big shock for Mark Steyn! Not even quite one in three.

    If you polled American students at US universities a few years ago, they would have overwhelmingly supported killing in the name of democracy. Just as long as it’s dressed up as a ‘war on terror’.


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