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John Armstrong on Peters


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The early print edition of the NZ Herald carried a good article, Page A2, by John Armstrong on the Peters report. It was not on line when this post was written, so extracts are from a digital version of the paper.

Armstrong, not always Adam’s favourite commentator started with:-

Well of course Peters will not do the decent thing, as we all know, including John Armstrong. Then he writes:-

Nor should anybody with a brain. This was not a case of politicised decision making by many, just read what was said in the Committee report.

Therein is the real issue. Not just the ethics or lack of them displayed by Peters, but the lack of any display of ethics by Clark, Cullen and their minions.

Adam agrees, but will the public even register this. yet another example of ever lower standards. This from the regime campaigning on trust. Actually the regime is not campaigning on trust Labour, it is campaigning on Do Not Trust National. A campaign of mistrust is Labour’s focus.

Well she has no one to blame but herself, or possibly H2. Why she ever trusted him is beyond the ken of this poor brain.

She succumbed though to the mantra of ‘What Winston Wants, Winston Gets’ time and time again. She is not stupid, so inevitably one thinks what skeletons are buried where?

Why would he do that, he has not done so previously.

Despite what John Armstrong thinks, Adam reckons Winston will go down the cant and bluster root. Indeed he has started to do so, with accusations against the SFO and pseudo legal complaints. What is worse he is aided and abetted in this obfuscation by Labour with their comments about the SFO and the politicisation, so called, of the Committee.

The telling conclusion. The bit that Labour First will try and obscure and dis-credit. If the smaller parties do not hang tough in the censure debate and vote with the regime, ask yourself why and also what that says about the integrity of the small parties.

All up Armstrong was fairly clear about what he considers to be the right course of action. Equally obvious is that Winston and his fellow travellers will seek to subvert the findings and weaken any effort by the House to censure Peters.

Adam was heartened by the fact that apart from the Axis of Evil the other parties were agreed.

The report should ensure Peters consignment to the dustbin of history, but Adam fears that will not be the case. That in itself makes a very sad statement about many people in NZ.

  1. 23/09/2008 11:37

    The bit I don’t understand about this is why Clark should persist in supporting Peters long after his credibility is shot to pieces and long after he has outlived his parlimentary usefulness to Labour (ie the election has been called).

    Does Peters know something damaging about Helen?


  2. Ed Snack permalink
    23/09/2008 09:08

    I would disagree with Armstrong, as much as National (& ACT) would like to pin one on Winston, the only overt bias and complete politicization of the process was displayed by Labour, and of course by NZ First. By accepting Clarks charge of bias he validates it far too much. Winston lied to the committee, which part of “bare faced lying to the privileges committee” don’t they understand ?


  3. 23/09/2008 07:15



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