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Top 10 posts and blog referrals April


Having partially shed his obsession with Blog Metrics, Adam decided to take a look and see which of his many posts, on a wide variety of subjects, had rated as the Top 10 in the last 30 days.

The posts were:-

1 Matt Smith Dr Who profiled, the old favourite returns – proving yet again Chris Anderson’s long tail concept

2 Susan Boyle:Cry Me A River, probably not surprising especially since at least 100 million downloads of her Britain’s Got Talent appearance have been downloaded and a couple of million of Cry Me A River

3 With friends like these…, a post on local issues recommended by DPF in one of his Blog Bits posts, thanks David

4 Kate Winslet:Vanity Fair Interview, another old favourite returns

5 Blogosphere explodes, a humourous piece kindly referenced by a number of my fellow bloggers

6 Labour Pains, a cartoon from the US primaries, but which Adam suspects gets hits because of the post title – though it is a funny cartoon

7 G20 Picture, photo gallery from the G20 summit which appearance is surprising

8 Pennsylvania Mud Wrestling, another old favourite still clocking up visits over a year after being posted, funnily for the first couple of months traffic was very low

9 ANZAC Day Siegfried Sassoon’s poem, gave Adam great satisfaction to see that appear

10 Cry God for Harry, England and Saint George – again pleased to see this one

Sources of traffic have been quite interesting in terms of where referrals came from, according to the limited stats provided by

1 No Minister

2 Kiwiblog – mainly, but not entirely from these 2 links at DPF, blogroll and kiwiblog

3 alphainventions

4 Keeping Stock

5 Homepaddock

6 roarprawn

7 Anti-Dismal – mainly but not entirely from here

8 Condron

9 WordPress Dashboard

10 Barnsley Bill

Yet when added up it is clear that these were probably less than 25% of inward hits. So again on the inward side many other sources contributed and for some reason do not come up in the stats. One factor may well be that many readers take an RSS feed and/or have The Inquiring Mind set up as a bookmark. Adam was intrigued to see No Minister feature so highly in the referrals this month. Alphainventions was a surprise as well as a recurring resource.

One Comment
  1. 05/05/2009 05:50

    Subscribing to multiple RSS services has driven web traffic to my blog. It’s always interesting to see where traffic originates. Interesting and profitable 🙂



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