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Matt Smith:Dr Who profiled


The Telegraph profiles Matt Smith, the new Dr Who. It would appear that the choice of a younger Dr Who was because of the presumption that the major fan base is amongst children and the commercial merchandising tie-in.


THE NEXT DOCTOR WHO: Matt Smith will succeed David Tennant in the role as the Time Lord in the BBC's sci-fi series Doctor Who. Photo: BBC

So who exactly is Matt Smith? There’s no doubt a good proportion of the viewers of the grand unveiling of the 11th Doctor Who in Saturday’s BBC1 documentary Doctor Who Confidential hadn’t the foggiest when Smith’s name came on the screen. And after all the feverish speculation that the next Doctor might be played by a Hollywood film star or, better still, Bill Nighy, it felt like a comedown that David Tennant’s successor is a 26-year-old stripling with only two semi-popular dramas under his belt – the flaccid BBC1 literary adaptation The Ruby in the Smoke and BBC2’s underrated Party Animals. But that doesn’t mean Smith’s not the right man for the job. It’s easy to forget that the only major TV David Tennant had done before he became the Doctor was BBC3’s hit-and-miss Casanova. Besides, big stars won’t want to be locked into a part for several years, even if Doctor Who is the biggest role in British TV.

Like Tennant, Smith has already made his name on the stage.

Read the article here

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  1. adamsmith1922 permalink*
    08/01/2009 20:25


    really appreciate your comments, come again


  2. Torchwood permalink
    08/01/2009 19:59


    Fair enough, but The Telegraph weren’t the ones deciding on the new Doctor, so that’s only supposition on their part unless it comes from an insider. Steven Moffat did state that he was actually looking for an older actor to carry the role but chose Matt because he was spot on.

    Peace, and thanks for the blog.


  3. 08/01/2009 00:53

    And getting a youngster is usually cheaper than a more experienced person.
    Just look at any newsroom in the country.
    When I read Jennifer Saunders was in the running to be the new Dr Who, I actually fantasised about Dawn French being in the role.
    I am sure she would certainly add a certain something to the role.
    But perhaps she is incaple of running away from the Daleks and Cybermen!


  4. Torchwood permalink
    07/01/2009 19:33

    “It would appear that the choice of a younger Dr Who was because of the presumption that the major fan base is amongst children and the commercial merchandising tie-in.”

    Correction- Steven Moffat was originally looking for an older actor (40’s, maybe late 30’s) but decided that Matt was the best choice based on his audition.

    The kid won the role on his own merits, and I can’t wait to see him on screen.


    • adamsmith1922 permalink*
      07/01/2009 20:13


      This extract is from the original article:-

      Smith will have to cope with huge media interest, and also with a clamouring fan base mainly consisting of children. This is why the shy Ben Whishaw, another young actor touted for the role, would have been the wrong choice. But it is also why youth is now an essential part of the Doctor’s make-up. Along with that fan base comes a huge merchandising industry and children need a Doctor close enough to their own age to identify with.

      Thus my comment



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