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Michael Portillo: Great British Railway Journeys – #4/25 – S04E04 – Dudley to Bridgnorth


Michael Portillo – Great British Railway Journeys – this is a great series. .

Portillo’s enthusiasm is infectious and fun.

This Episode

Michael Portillo takes to the tracks with his copy of Bradshaw’s Victorian railway guidebook, travelling the length and breadth of the British Isles to see what of Bradshaw’s World remains.

Armed with his copy of Bradshaw’s Victorian railway guidebook, Michael Portillo continues his series of journeys along the tracks that helped fuel the Industrial Revolution by travelling to the manufacturing centres of the Midlands, before turning west to experience the stunning Severn Valley railway en route to Wales and the Victorian seaside resort of Aberystwyth.

He learns how Victorian blacksmithing was not for the faint-hearted, rides one of Britain’s most modern trains and traverses the remarkable Victoria Bridge.

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